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Court Locations Form

Court Locations Court Locations Form

Note: E-mail procedures may vary among the 26 Maricopa County Justice Courts. Some accept e-mailed motions, case filings, or other paperwork, including proofs of various types. Others may require you to drop off or mail the paperwork.

Please only use this form as a way to make initial contact with the court and to notify the court of your needs unless you already received instruction to email specific documentation.

If your need for a response is time-sensitive, please call the court directly. It may take up to three business days for the court clerks to respond to your message. 

NOTE: Maximum file size is 6MB, Larger files will result in an error.

To ensure that a person, not a robot, is completing this form, please enter any 3 letters and any 3 numbers in the format LLL###

To ensure that a person, not a robot, is completing this form, please enter any 3 letters and any 3 numbers in the format letter letter letter number number number