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The Justice Courts of Maricopa County do not specifically endorse the below services. The providers on the list are not agents of the court and all services and activities of these organizations are conducted independently of the court.

All arrangements for appointments, cancellations, termination of service, and other related matters of service quality and delivery are between the provider and the client. All discussions of fees for services, determination of specific fees, written agreements on fees to be paid are the responsibility of the provider and the client. The Court does not and will not determine the appropriateness of any fee for service. 

Any service provider may submit a request to be added to this list, but only those that are non-profit and local may be approved.

Before using any of the below organizations, you should use due diligence to research the service provider. The Court assumes no responsibility for the quality of the professional services of these providers and is not responsible or liable for any aspects of the service delivery. is a product of the Arizona Bar Foundation and the Arizona Supreme Court to do the following:

•    Assist people who need to utilize court services find the information they need about their court: location, hours, terms of payment, parking, accessibility, etc.
•    Provide with support of Arizona law librarians: live chat forums to answer legal information questions, details on upcoming Legal Talk clinics, and other information needed by self-represented litigants
•    Link to resources to other specialized legal information websites that provide broader legal information and access.

The goal of the Arizona Department of Housing is to create, preserve and invest in affordable housing; protect consumers; and revitalize communities. ADoH focuses on assisting Arizona’s most vulnerable populations who, through no fault of their own, are challenged with finding decent, suitable housing. The Department partners with counties, cities, towns, tribal governments, local housing authorities, non-profit social service agencies, and for-profit and non-profit housing developers.

Phone: (602) 771-1000

For free lists of certified specialists in the areas of:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Injury and Wrongful
  • Business Law Death
  • Criminal Law
  • International Law
  • Employment Law
  • Tax Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Family Law
  • Immigration Law
  • Worker's Comp Law
  • Probate and Trust
  • (Guardianships, Conservatorships and Wills)

Phone: (602) 340-7239

The Bar will find an attorney that matches your needs. Then you pay a $50 referral fee (or nothing if it's a personal injury or workers' comp matter) for a 30-minute consultation. Any additional legal services you may require beyond the 30-minutes is determined by you and the attorney.

Phone: (602) 257-4434
Toll-Free: (800) 927-2260

The Community Services Division helps families weather difficult circumstances to restore emotional, social, and economic well-being. The Community Action Program works to make this a reality by providing essential utility and rental assistance.

Community Legal Services (CLS) provides legal assistance, advice or representation, self-help materials and legal education so people can know their rights. They focus on helping survivors of domestic violence; assisting victims of consumer fraud and abuse, protecting tenants from unlawful/unfair practices by landlords, foreclosures, legal problems affecting agricultural workers, wage claims and other employment matters, and federal and state programs affecting peoples’ health and economic stability.

Phone: (602) 258-3434

Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) formed in 1969 to fight discrimination against the Mexican American community and advocated for equity in education, politics, and labor conditions. Today, CPLC provides services to people of all backgrounds while honoring those Mexican-American roots.

Programs facilitate growth through five Areas of Impact:

  • Health & Human Services
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Economic Development
  • Advocacy

Visit or call (602) 257-0700

Thousands of listings of government, social, and self-help support groups serving Maricopa County.

Phone: 211

Traditionally, lawyers are hired to represent a client from the start of a case to the finish. However, some lawyers “unbundled” their legal services, allowing clients to hire them for singular tasks, which can be useful for litigants representing themselves.

Forms provided for: Divorce, Orders of Protection, Requests for Hearings, and Injunctions Against Harassment. Listing of DR mediators and their fees, and other information. Listing of attorneys and fees for providing brief advice and limited services.

Civil Litigation Clinic:

The clinic addresses matters of Consumer Fraud/Breach of Contract, which may be appropriate for Justice Court. Issues which would be filed other courts include Employment, Unemployment Appeals, Wage Claims and general Tenant’s Rights (but no evictions). We accept cases until full each semester usually in July, August and September and December, January and February but additionally when we have space available.

You may email questions to or use this online application to begin the process.

You have reached your "golden years" or your parents have reached theirs. You are not alone.

The Arizona Bar Foundation sponsors counseling and other services for older adults who need assistance with civil law, housing, debt, health care, wills and estates, and other legal needs.

Phone: (866) 637-5341 (Legal Learn Contact Center)

An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public or nonprofit private agency that helps older Arizonans. AAAs are chosen by the State to plan and coordinate services at the local level:

  • Advocate for older adults
  • Offer information on programs, options, and community supports

Phone: (602) 264-4357

The Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law sponsors the Arizona Senior Citizens Law Project. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free legal services to those over age 60 in Maricopa County, Arizona.

New requests for service can be taken by phone at 602-252-6710 each Thursday between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., or they can be submitted online through the New Request for Service form.

The Modest Means Project is a partnership program from the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education and the State Bar of Arizona. The Project provides low-cost legal assistance to individuals who do not qualify for free legal services, but cannot afford the expertise of attorneys at the standard rate.

Phone: (866) 637-5341

Disability Rights Arizona is a not for profit public interest law firm, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.

Phoenix: (602) 274-6287

Tucson: (520) 327-9547

Toll-Free: (800) 927-2260

This is a pro-bono program that provides free legal advice to eligible low income individuals who need assistance with Probate Court matters. You must make an appointment to be seen.

Phone: (602) 732-2834

Friendly House is a multi-service organization with wide-ranging programs aimed at addressing the pressing needs of our diverse community: Education, Workforce Development, Family Support, Basic Needs and Immigration.

They can provide free legal consultations and workshops to individuals with immigration needs.

Phone: (602) 416-7200

The Arizona Legal Center provides free legal aid and consultations in Arizona only. It provides low-cost access to fee-for-service cases when determined appropriate by an attorney at the Center, but generally does not undertake full-scope representation.