Hon. Joe B. GetzwillerIRONWOOD PRECINCT | Phone Number: (602) 506-1589

Joe B. Getzwiller was sworn in as the Justice of the Peace for the Ironwood Precinct on July 25, 2001 by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Judge Getzwiller is a native of Arizona and a self-employed cattle rancher.
His previous work experience included 3 years as a member of the American Screen Actors Guild and 17 years as a professional rodeo cowboy.
His community activities include serving as president of the Gila Bend Chamber of Commerce, as a board member of the Gila Bend Natural Resource Conservation District and as a member of the Club Latino.
Volunteer activities have included organizing and directing benefits for the Town of Gila Bend Chamber of Commerce; service on the St. Michael’s Catholic Parish Parsonage Improvements Program, and service on the Gila Bend Rodeo Arena development program.
Career Highlights
- Was a member of the American Screen Actors Guild.
- Worked as a professional rodeo cowboy for 17 years.
- Serves as President of the Gila Bend Chamber of Commerce.