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Judge Leonore Driggs

Our Judges Judge Leonore Driggs

Hon. Leonore DriggsARCADIA BILTMORE PRECINCT | Phone Number: (602) 372-6300

Leonore Driggs was elected Justice of the Peace for the Arcadia-Biltmore precinct in November, 2016 and took office in January, 2017. In June 2021 her peers on the Bench elected her as Associate Presiding Judge. With that responsibility, she chairs the Professional Standards and Policy committee for the Justice Courts and is a member of the Judicial Development and Training committee.

Judge Driggs grew up in East Phoenix, attending Camelback High School and graduating Summa Cum Laude from ASU. She has been a school teacher, piano teacher, small business owner, worked in the legal field and worked for U.S. Senator Jeff Flake on local, state and national issues.

Driggs’ role model is Sandra Day O’Connor, a longtime family friend and supporter. Judge Driggs and her husband Adam live in the Arcadia area with their five children, two dogs, and other assorted pets.

Besides spending time with her family, she loves running every morning with friends and has completed three full marathons as well as numerous other races.