Hon. Tyler KissellUNIVERSITY LAKES PRECINCT | Phone Number: (602) 372-3400

Justice of the Peace Tyler Kissell was elected to the University Lakes Justice Court in 2014.
Growing up in Litchfield Park, he moved to Tempe to attend Arizona State University and receive a degree in Political Science. After graduation, Judge Kissell taught preschool in South Africa as a volunteer, then returned to the U.S. to work as a Securities agent for a mutual fund company in Scottsdale.
He chairs the Technology committee for the Maricopa County Justice Courts and is actively involved in system-wide improvements and adaptations that improve efficiency and fair justice for all litigants. He is also a member of the Best Practices, Professional Standards & Policy, and Pro Tem committees.
He and his wife live in Tempe with their children.