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Case Alert

Justice Courts Maricopa County - Home Case Alert
ASU/Palestine Encampment Arrests
Important notes to defendants, their attorneys and families, media, and other interested parties: 
  • We have been told prosecutors will not be filing charges now on the 71 people arrested for trespassing at ASU in the final weekend of April. This does not mean the defendants should skip going to court on Tuesday, May 14th, as we have new paperwork to give them which affects their future. Charges may still be filed in the next 12 months.
  • Additionally, calls are growing to "pack the courtroom" for these arraignments. We have advised media and activist organizations that there is limited seating in the courtrooms, and first priority goes to the defendants of these cases. Spectators will not be guaranteed seating and will likely be instructed to wait outside or elsewhere.
  • We cannot stress enough that a rally at the courthouse is not an effective way to affect these cases. There are nearly 100 other defendants with cases at the same time in the building and we do not want anyone to be negatively impacted.
  • Know that we will live-stream the proceedings. Visit our web site,, hover over "I Want To", choose "View Court Calendar", and then "University Lakes".  Once the live stream is turned on a link will appear on that page.
We appreciate in advance everyone's cooperation and understanding.